Definition of Political scientist

1. Noun. A social scientist specializing in the study of government.

Generic synonyms: Social Scientist
Derivative terms: Political Science

Definition of Political scientist

1. Noun. An expert in political science. ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Political Scientist

political movement
political opposition
political orientation
political parties
political party
political platform
political price fixing
political prisoner
political prisoners
political program
political relation
political risk
political risks
political science
political sciences
political scientist
political scientists
political sphere
political sympathies
political system
political systems
political theory
political unit
political vacuum

Literary usage of Political scientist

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. Cyclopedia of American Government by Andrew Cunningham McLaughlin, Albert Bushnell Hart (1914)
"From the nature of the premises which the political scientist must use in his reasoning it becomes at once evident that he cannot draw conclusions and ..."

2. Afghanistan's Two-Party Communism: Parcham and Khalq by Anthony Arnold (1983)
"3 (1978): 105-8; Smith et a\.,Area Handbook for Afghanistan, p. 208; and interview with emigre political scientist. 27. A. Gerasimova and G. Girs, ..."

3. Political Ideas of the American Revolution: Britannic-American Contributions by Randolph Greenfield Adams (1922)
"He is selected rather because he was consciously a political scientist in the sense in which'very few of his contemporaries were. His was a day of political ..."

4. The American Historical Review by American Historical Association (1905)
"It has, however, a direct interest to historians in so far as it considers the value of history and the historical method to the political scientist. ..."

5. Introduction to American Government by Frederic Austin Ogg, Perley Orman Ray (1922)
"It thus comes about that the sociologist yields to the political scientist the observation and interpretation of such of the social relationships i. sod- of ..."

6. Introduction to American Government by Frederic Austin Ogg, Perley Orman Ray (1922)
"It thus comes about that the sociologist yields to the political scientist the observation and interpretation of such of the social relationships 1. ..."

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